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The health and safety of our students is our highest priority, and we're committed to adhering to all state guidelines.
Here's what we're doing to keep you safe:

What we're doing to keep you safe:

  • Any students with a fever or flu-like symptoms will not be allowed to train

  • We leave breaks between classes to reduce contact between different classes and give our instructors time to sanitize the dojo

  • All mats, training surfaces, and doorknobs undergo stringent cleaning and disinfection procedures before and after every class

  • Hand sanitizer will be dispensed to all students immediately upon entering and leaving the dojo

  • All employees are being monitored daily for symptoms

How you can help us stay safe:

  • Wear shoes in our facility any time you are not on the mats

  • If you have a fever or flu-like symptoms do not come to the studio. You will not be allowed in class.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give the studio a call at 203-239-4474!

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